However, findViewById returns the generic View, so you need to type-cast it to the specific view if you want to do widget-specific operations on it (e.g. setText).
TextView lAddress = (TextView) findViewById(;
ImageButton bSubmit = (ImageButton) findViewById(;
That's so annoying, even more if you change the type of the widget with similar but unrelated ones, like swapping a Button with an ImageButton.
Solution: use a generic method that returns you an object of the type that you request.
Paste the 2 methods below anywhere you like.
/** * Convenience method of findViewById */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends View> T getView(View parent, int id) { return (T) parent.findViewById(id); } /** * Convenience method of findViewById */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends View> T getView(Activity activity, int id) { return (T) activity.findViewById(id); }
Now, you can just call them like:
TextView lAddress = getView(this,; // or, if not inside an activity, let's say in an Adapter's getView: View res = convertView != null? convertView: getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.item_person, null); TextView lAddress = getView(res,;